I don’t eat any dairy because if that cow could speak i know his ass would be yellin’ to stay away from his utters! or hers.
But seriously i don’t eat dairy b/c i respect all beings and am able to get complete nutrition from all plant sources without having to burden a cow for a precious bodily resource not to mention put it through the awful and unbearable cruelty of dairy farms.
The dairy industry pushes the importance of milk b/c it has calcium as a huge marketing ploy. Soymilk has just as much. So does fortified cereals and some orange juices. Dark greens are an excellent source of calcium, so are nuts and beans. If you want really strong bones practice tai chi lol, otherwise with regular exercise and proper vegan nutrition you will have wonderful bone strength. I have never been stronger in my life since going vegan, anyone who worries about lacking vitamins on a vegan diet does not know a shred about nutrition.
If you have grown up in American society then you most likely have been ‘brainwashed’ and bombarded your whole life by the media, parents, and doctors who may not be aware of just how much calcium you can get from non-animal sources. With a daily multivitamin it is so easy to get the daily amount of calcium.
To add, in many businesses (can’t even call them “ranches”) in the meat industry animals are pumped up with antibiotics in their food to help them deal with their awful living conditions. These are present in the meat and dairy products, and lead to antibiotic resistance in humans. Antibiotics kill the good and the bad bacteria, and the ones that survive multiply and are nearly impossible to kill off if/when necessary.
Also, think of how many lactose intolerant people are out there. Lactase is not produced in abundance in our body, and instead of people realizing that maybe milk doesn’t make them feel so great, they resort to Lactaid and other dietary aid pills to help them digest this sugar that maybe we shouldn’t be mass consuming in the first place. Humans are the only animal who consume milk after infancy.
It killed me how, on the news, during the big snowstorm we in the northeast had, that one family bemoaned the lack of milk in their home. Gee, they could eat legumes for protein, and greens for calcium. Most Americans have much food stockpiled; I doubt most of us woukd go hungry.
I do not eat milk or eat cheese as these are non vegan foods.
The question in this forum should be why are you vegan essentially rather than anything this specific.
New born babies should have breast milk in the same way all other mammals who are herbivores provide milk for their new born to begin with.
Only humans in their misguided wisdom decided that regularly consuming milk as an ongoing food source in to their adult lives was a good idea it seems.
if the calf is a male it is sent to slaughter as and sold as veal female calves are raised until they are able to be impregnated. once they give birth the calf is taken away from them and they cry and cry until a few days later they are impregnated again. when they cannot give birth anymore they are sent to slaughter. the average cow can live 20 to 25 years. most dairy cows live about 5 years.
Drinking cows milk is bizarre in itself as no other species drinks milk past the weaning stage - imagine breastfeeding someone at 30 and tell me if that’s normal?
In addition to that, the milk you drink, in the natural order of things, is supposed to be of your own species.
So uh, if you’re that keen on drinking milk past the point of weening, the logic thing to do would be to go have a chat to your mother and see how she feels on the subject.
Perhaps there’s a little hint here about why she doesn’t lactate anymore.
cheese is mainly casein (milk protein) and there are evidences of casein turning on cancer in lab animals better than a carcinogen (cancer promoting components in body). This is the reason I stay clear of cheese. Also I think dairy does not sit well with me especially high fat yogurt! gives me a bad tummy ache…
In the milk industry the cow get pregnant around the clock in order to produce milk. It is not natural process. In nature the cows get pregnant only once a year. So in order to produce milk the cows in the milk industry:
Get separate from their calf a few hours after birth
Are treated for horns, which can injure the calves
Get marked with dry ice
Becoming milking machines
Their udders get filled with milk and it hurts them.
Milk is often praised as a perfect food which contains all the protein, fats and minerals that are needed for a healthy life. It is often recommended that we drink a pint of milk a day. Milk is, after all, the only food for the young of mammals. It seems natural that we should rely on it and other dairy produce manufactured from milk as a source of nutrition.
But matters are not so straightforward. Cows’ milk is not a natural food for human beings. For human infants it can be harmful unless modified as it is infant formula. When Milk Is Not A Healthy Food
I stopped drinking milk 6 years ago. Occasionally i drink it with tea or coffee once in a six months. Yes i am not taking caffeine as well regularly. I am having Knee pain complain. I have noticed that whenever i gain the weight i have such problem.
Parents are always advising me you have stopped drinking milk thats why you knees are hurting. But as per my calculation and experience i don’t believe in it.
I have started bit jogging and stretch out. It cured. I also have firm suggestion that cow milk is for calf only not for humans.
A cow and all lady mammals produce milk for one reason - to feed their children during infancy - including human ladies. As the baby gets older, the milk dries out naturally. Factory farms keep cows in a pregnant state by sticking a large tube of bull semen in her “private area.” The process is essentially bestiality - including how they…acquire the semen from the bull. The mother’s child is taken from her so we can drink the milk she produced for her baby instead. I do not believe we should be doing this, so I choose not to purchase dairy products.