Vegetarian Arrogance

good points. but the only reason veganism is frowned upon is because of the elitist driven, greed and apathy based society/dronomatic throw-away culture that we live in, where success is poorly measured yet is highly valued, even more so than commonsense and ethical behavior.

I think this would be called as Vegetarian Arrogance :laughing: Well i just changed into being a vegan. I also eat meat which is made of tofu and veggies. :cheers:

Before this discussion becomes any more convoluted with incorrect terminology listen and pay heed.


Carnivore: A carnivore , meaning ‘meat eater’ (Latin carne meaning ‘flesh’ and vorare meaning ‘to devour’), is an organism that derives its energy and nutrient requirements from a diet consisting mainly or exclusively of animal tissue, whether through predation or scavenging.

Herbivore: Any animal that feeds chiefly on grass and other plants.

And here’s the big one so listen up…

OMNIVORE: An animal that feeds on both animal and vegetable substances.

So although you ‘could’ call an omnivore (most people) a carnivore, not only is the term offensive as it has barbaric undertones but it is relatively incorrect seeing as the term omnivore is made for the place you’re using carnivore for.

I’m only talking to a few people here by the way most people seem to get it right.

Some of the main reasons a large portion of the public find Vegitarians and/or Vegans arrogant are the following:

Vegan’s are an inconvenience to hang out with. It’s embarrassing for everyone else who eats with them to watch them make life harder for the chefs/staff in restaurants. It’s even worse to have to cook for them yourself, having to make whole different dishes for them is a pain in the bum.

Someone already mentioned this but a lot of the reasoning behind Vegan-ism as a lifestyle choice is shaky to say the least. Without going into a discussion about the reasoning now, when many vegans are questioned about the validity of their claims in person they either become defensive saying things like “I don’t have to explain myself to you” while at the same time you have to change what you cook to accommodate them. Worse yet vegans say things like " Your meat eating ways are killing you/ really barbaric" which is an exaggeration and very offensive considering that a person arguing from the position of the societal norm hardly has to justify their actions seeing as they have thousands of years of omnivorous humanity backing them up.

Another possible reason is organizations like PETA ,which often represent vegans, are very aggressive in their tactics. Some people would say that PETA are environmental terrorists and their claims would not be unfounded if you look at some of the corporate sabotage PETA has taken part in, hardly an organization I would want representing my way of life.

All this being said though I bet the vast majority of Vegan people are understanding of everyone else choice and work to make their own choice as un-obtrusive as possible.

“Vegan’s are an inconvenience to hang out with. It’s embarrassing for everyone else who eats with them to watch them make life harder for the chefs/staff in restaurants. It’s even worse to have to cook for them yourself, having to make whole different dishes for them is a pain in the bum.”

Lets get the obvious out of the way first, I would rather suffer some “embarrassment” than be responsible for the torture and gruesome murder of living beings. Also, I have never given staff a hard time in restaurants. There are usually always vegan items on the menu, and I simply order those. If you’re clever you can google vegan reviews & menu choices while at/on the way to the restaurant.

The truly sad thing about our culture is that people think that every dish needs to be centered around meat. This way of thinking is so boring and dull. When you’re concentrated on 50 ways to eat a chicken you never get to experience seitan, tofu, tempeh,tvp, quinoa, eggplant, and all sorts of other great food.

“I would rather suffer some “embarrassment” than be responsible for the torture and gruesome murder of living beings”, there you have it, you are fine with inconveniencing chefs etc at normal restaurants; and there’s nothing inherently wrong with that. It would be naive, however, to pretend that it doesn’t embarrass non-vegans that you could be hanging out with (theoretically of course). This brings me back to my main point that vegans are sometimes are an inconvenience to hang out with.

As for variety in food, by it’s very nature being a vegan limits what you can eat. An omnivorous normal eater gets to experience all of the vegan food they want if they want on top of the many amazing meat or mixed dishes that are available in the wonderful modern culinary world! Sure most dishes are centered around meat, but this is probably because most people enjoy eating it :smiley:

I don’t look down on meat eaters, I just can’t really stand them if we’re talking about being a vegetarian. Everyone always tells me to suck it up and eat meat, but they just don’t get it.

I don’t inconvenience chefs at restaurants. There is always a vegan choice, and I order that. I also don’t go to restaurants that refuse to serve vegetarian dishes if I can help it. What about those pesky lactose intolerant people? They inconvenience chefs all the time! It is estimated that some 75% of the global population experience lactose intolerance. You are the minority if you can consume milk products.

Omnivores can experience more of a variety in food, but they don’t. They are too busy eating meat. I, personally, eat a much more varied diet than I did when I ate the SAD.

I think Vegetarians as a whole just have a different personality. As a vegetarian, I feel that my eating habits contribute to a physical and emotional difference that non-vegetarians. Being physically fit, and active all the time, I feel that people look at me differently.


i only go to vegan restaurants. problem solved.

So now you need a whole restaurant devoted to you?

Problem not solved.

yes i do burp

Hence the perceived arrogance due to inconvenience.


your perceptions are faulty. simple logic and commonsense does the trick here. there is no such thing as veggie arrogance, just the mindless childish perception of the fractured souls who are too afraid, too insecure, too brainwashed or too willfully ignorant to acknowledge the hideous, barbaric and sadistic truth behind factory farming and eating the flesh of brutally murdered innocent, sentient non-human animals.

I believe it can annoy many that there are people who are conscious about their food choices. You know, there are many members in monasteries who are overweight. They have given up many things- relationships, ambitions, living everyday as they want but still the hardest thing is to give up food addiction!
I do feel that people thing of me as arrogant sometimes because they cannot accept that I do not go with a crowd.

There’s nothing too wrong with exercising your right to chose other than the inconvenience to others, but what this guy here says : “there is no such thing as veggie arrogance, just the mindless childish perception of the fractured souls who are too afraid, too insecure, too brainwashed or too willfully ignorant to acknowledge the hideous, barbaric and sadistic truth behind factory farming and eating the flesh of brutally murdered innocent, sentient non-human animals” sums it up beautifully. Who gave you the right to judge someone just because they don’t subscribe to your own fringe view of the treatment of animals? And what gives you the right to call them insecure, brainwashed and willfully ignorant. This is arrogance by the book, I don’t think most vegans are anywhere near this bad but as you can see from the above, vegan arrogance definitely exists.

I’m guessing that this means you couldn’t formulate a coherent argument.

It’s funny how when people can’t adequately respond to intellectual challenges the fall back on repetitive mantras.

I’m not arrogant… but I do feel morally superior to eaters of dead meat!