Ugly Vegans

That is correct - the source claimed that the fries were cooked in beef tallow before shipping.

hahaha love that… I always wish that someone would have prepare a food for me… It is me who always prepare my food…:frowning:

“ChrisCross, are you stupid? I don’t know why you wasted your time posting those links. You should know by now that I don’t watch mind control videos or read mind-controling details about how the farms that are the worst of the worst treats their animals. I don’t base everything on the tiniest example. If one kid in a school is failing, does that mean that it’s a bad school and everyone is failing? It’s the same with farms. Just because a few farms are bad doesn’t mean they’re all like that.”

Being cruel and careless with animals results in quicker processing time which equals greater profit, and the ability to compete in the industry. Slaughterhouses and factory farms don’t have any incentive to treat their animals kindly, for if they did they would go out of business. Simple economics.

“Also, I don’t care about stupid veggie burgers when I can eat the real thing. And I guess you expected me to be grossed out that people didn’t check your chicken carefully enough, so okay.”

I suppose you probably don’t care about living past 55, either. Any vegan anywhere in the world can eat a “real burger” anytime they want, they just don’t want to. My veggie burger contains no cholesterol, antibiotics, and has zero chance of infecting me with BSE, E coli, or any other disease/bacteria/virus. It will not raise my blood cholesterol level, and it will not contribute to a heart attack, cancer, arthritis, asthma, etc.

“And, I have no idea how you can blame meat for the fact that you ended up cathcing the flu, lunarflowermaiden. And I’m sorry you have the most sensitive stomach in the world and I’m sorry you think that it’s meat related. Next thing we know, you’ll be blaming the fact that you couldn’t find your soulmate on the meat, or something else like that. You can’t connect everything fortunate thing in your life to going vegan. And it doesn’t really make much sense to compare it to smoking, since smoking is bad for you and eating meat is not.” -MomoPeach

Initially I laughed after reading this paragraph because it is so ridiculously uneducated. More and more doctors all the time are recommending eliminating red meat from your diet entirely. 16% of chicken meat is infected with E coli, 63% is infected with campylobacter. It’s no coincidence that people get sick from eating it. “Smoking is bad for you and eating meat is not”. Please read the China Study, or any book/article at all for that matter on health, then come back and tell me what you’ve learned.

By the way, the burden of proof is on your shoulders to tell us why meat is good for the human body.

P.S. Did you know that some of the main ingredients in hot dogs are: fresh blood, chicken feet, chicken lungs, and chicken tracheas? Yum… Nothing I would rather eat than a lung from a chicken who was packed in a barn with 10,000 other chickens breathing in ammonia all day.

hahahaha!!! the thing is, most of these farms really ARE that bad. if nearly every person in the school was failing, does that mean its a bad school? maybe. maybe not. but the students that are failing need some serious help. same with farms. the idea of farming is not necessarily bad, but because the majority of farms are so horrible, farming gets a bad rap. and its for a good reason. so before you go defending the meat and dairy industries, please do your research for the benefit of everyone!!!

I wouldnt trust the fries! i wouldnt doubt they use animal lard on it. I wouldnt trust mcdonalds period. Buying from there only gives them more of the benefit and that would be like approving for their inhumane carnage of animals.

Momopeach, you think the meat industry cares about these farm animals. No, not really. They care about mass-production, they care about profiting from it. This are how all monolopies think, not for anyone but themselves.