No religion bashing, please.
I am vegan because I am Christian. In the beginning in the garden of Eden, Adam and Eve were vegan. There was no death, so how could they eat animals? There wasn’t pain, so how could they even inflict any of today’s animal cruelty horrors?
Something I hate is when people tell me, “God made animals for us to eat them.” No, he didn’t. He didn’t even give us permission to eat them until after the flood. I can see reasoning to why He would allow it then, though. With the earth being flooded with water for so long and everything being wiped out, it probably wouldn’t be possible to just go right out and farm food.
Now, we have absolutely no need to eat animals. We weren’t designed to eat flesh. Even if we were, I do not believe He would want animals to have pain. They’re still His creations.
Jesus said to be kind and stick up for the weak, right? Not to inflict horrible pain on them.
Any other Christians with this view?