How you handle relationships where only one is vegan?

My fiance and I were both ovo-lacto-vegetarians for awhile, and he actually convinced me to go vegan along with him. Less hassle for me since I do most of the cooking anyway. :laughing:

I’ve been single for the past 10 years and have had a couple of serious boyfriends. Both were meat eaters and seemed to be annoyed by my food choices. I have found that a lot of people seem to be uncomfortable with vegetarians/vegans. Does anyone know of any online dating forums for vegetarians/vegans? I have been using a popular online dating service for a few years now and have only come across two in that time. The longer I go without meat, the less I think I want it in my house!

Well in relationships, there always are sacrifices and it will all lead to who is willing to take the leap, usually the one who things he has a lot more to lose than the other.

I have a friend who was in a similar position some time ago and it was really hard for her. She did not know if she would just force it down her stomach to get non vegan stuff. But if that will be the case, I am pretty sure that it will end badly.


As a vegan, I have dated both vegans and people who are not yet so but attempting to cut down on their habits that result from animal violence. As i grow older however i find myself attracted to people who share at least the foundational moral beliefs that i do, so mostly vegan people.

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That’s how I feel as well.
The only thing to consider is giving a chance to people that are not yet vegan.
Keep in mind that no long ago most of us were not vegan as well.

It is really a tough situation. You are vegan means you area animal lover. But you also love your family/partner. Being a vegan if you can buy and cook non-vegan products then it is better. Or try to make them understand the benefits of being vegan.