How you handle relationships where only one is vegan?
Will you buy non vegan stuff?
If this is so important, you can always decide for yourself which one is more important to you - being vegan or having a relationship.
I think it is okay and I have seen for myself couples whose relationships are quite normal even though one of the partners is vegan and the other isn’t. I think the most important things in these kinds of relationships are open-communication, understanding and respect. Without these virtues it will be very hard to maintain this kind of relationship.
I’m in a mixed relationship. Its good that I get to study the situation, but I do not rest easy in the situation. When we’re separate I seem to move in to my truer self. She fasted a bit one day last week, and we drank some beer, and the spirit was nice. Perhaps its to keep me from hanging around the house all day. I do not like to sleep with her because of the energy. I wake up at war. It seems a marriage made in heaven.
Just figured out I’m not vegan if the female of the species isn’t, so we’ll be seeing y’all!
I have problems with this kind of relationships… I don’t want to spend my money for sponsoring butchers and my girlfriends usually don’t get it… so I end up splitting apart. Tried to convert my last girlfriend and it turned into a disaster… Sad story actually…
Similar to trying to convince your girlfriend to become anorexic, since veganism and vegetarianism are basically the deprivation of entire food groups at a time…
Or to convince your girlfriend to not smoke, although while smoking you’re mostly damaging yourself, and sometimes when you do not care you’re damaging people around you, but when you’re eating meat you always directly supporting killing of innocent animals, i.e. causing of more suffering than on vegan diet.
Eating meat is normal, in case you have not noticed in the time you have lived on this Earth.
Slavery was also normal some time ago, now it’s illegal.
Slavery was wrong. Eating meat is not.
I’ve asked you this, will ask you again, how they are different?
That’s just how it is! You guys are so dumb.PEOPLE EAT MEAT. Get it into your “I-wanna-be-different” heads. Why can’t you just be normal like everyone else? There is nothing wrong with eating meat. Meat is animals, and people just eat animals. That’s what they do. You don’t need to ask “why” for everything. Things are the way they are because that’s how it is. That’s how it always has been. You think you can change the whole world with some crazy idea.
Nice, MomoPreach, nice! So in one of your previous lifes you were saying something like:
"That’s just how it is! You guys are so dumb. PEOPLE OWN SLAVES Get it into your “I-wanna-be-different” heads. Why can’t you just be normal like everyone else? There is nothing wrong with owning slaves. Slaves are black and stupid, and people just own them. That’s what they do. You don’t need to ask “why” for everything. Things are the way they are because that’s how it is. That’s how it always has been. You think you can change the whole world with some crazy idea. "
That’s just awesome!
For me, this question is the same as saying, "What kind of a relationship should I have with a smoker? Alcoholic? Drug addict? Criminal? Mentally ill person?
I treat non vegans like people who don’t know the truth–especially if they are the type person who hangs out at McDonald’s and has diabetes, cardiovascular disease, or cancer. Live and let live. Everybody has a right to live and die the way they want. I don’t have much respect for people who are killing themselves. I don’t want to copy them, debate them or be influenced by them. I usually just say “hello,” and let them do what they want.
I tried very hard and was very unsuccesful at being just vegetarian while with my EX the carnivore (wouldn’t call eating dead vegetables being an omnivore).
We just couldn’t make things work having two completly diffrent views on what to put into our body and our child’s body. However a good friend of mine was able to guide her partner into a vegetarian and slowly into a vegan diet and he is very happy with the change but probably because he always had a thought or interest in his mind about it.
Honestly, I wouldn’t care how my partner( if I had one) eats. It would be their choice, not mine. The only caveat id have is if the partner didn’t respect my dietary choices.
For the record, my best friend’s boyfriend is a carnivore. My friend is an ovo lacto vegetarian. We both drool when he eats flesh. Sorry, but it smells great. What can I say? I’m not an elitist ( well, I am when it comes to music; I’m a huge snob…) and I refuse to force my dietary choices/views on others. As I always say, ’ each to their own’. It isn’t my place to dictate to others…
I think we have the same idea of it snog… I do believe in true love, so if we really love that person we will try to understand his diet as well as he respects ours…
I haven’t really been in this situation since going vegan, and was only briefly as a vegetarian. I’m a little anxious/excited to see how it turns out. Of course, I would ideally love to find someone who is also a vegetarian, but so far no luck.
As for trying to convert them, I don’t think I’m overly comfortable with that. I would definitely answer any questions asked, show them delicious recipes and make them great vegan food but in the end, not much you can do. However, I wouldn’t cook meals with meat or animal products, or buy them at restaurants so…
I guess I’ll have to see.