Hello everyone!
Sorry for the lack of updates; much is happening here at the Zeep camp and time is swiftly slipping by. We have relocated to north eastern WA to be closer to the plants we utilize in our recipes and for the opportunity to use horsepower in our efforts (a longstanding goal of ours). The new situation is more rustic than Olympia, so we now utilize a wood stove to create our Zeep products.
In addition to that change we’ve also adopted 2 wonderful and large additions into the Zeep family! A good friend of ours wanted us to have her two Percheron draft horses when we moved east. Starting next spring, Skip & Sweet Lady will allow us to ride the trails to harvest the plants we need for products. They are settling in nicely for a cozy winter and have been very helpful in collecting firewood for us to stay warm this winter and keep the Zeep cauldron bubbling.
We hope to begin creating a blog in the near future so updating everyone on Zeep happenings will be easier. This will allow us to include info on plant gathering and product making, plus a handy reference for our ingredients.
We are announcing 3 new soap varieties to the store for the change of seasons, enjoy!
[u]**New Soap Varieties[/u]
[u]Ginger Mint[/u]
Warming spice, cooling mint. Opposites attract you right into the shower.
Warming ginger tempered with the sweetness of Lemongrass.
[u]Cedar Grove[/u]
Woody, earthen, sharp. The smell of mountain groves, evergreen and growing in damp creek-side loam.
Your patience is appreciated while many personal changes are taking place. Hope everyone is having an amazing fall and thank you for all your support!
The Zeep Soap Crew
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