Your Are God - A Philosophical Essay on the Nature of Existence, Reality, and Immortality

Section: Does Watching Hollywood Movies And Supporting Politics Make You Grow Old And Die?

I’m a big time movie fan, I predominantly enjoy science fiction and fantasy. But yeah, the more I think about it, I think this is the case. Hollywood is full of pedophiles, politics is full of pedophiles. If we watch Hollywood movies, we are supporting pedophiles. Politics I don’t care for, I ignore all of it. I don’t even vote, so I don’t think politics is my problem. But movies, for sure that’s my problem. Damn, I really enjoy movies too. I’m so torn about this. If anyone can spiritually convince me otherwise, I’m willing to do whatever mental gymnastics it takes.

Well, it seems like you’ve stumbled upon a real-life mystery worthy of a science fiction plot! While I can’t solve Hollywood’s or politics’ woes, I can suggest you create your own movie universe with positive and inspiring stories that align with your values. Who knows, you might even become the director of your own epic tale! Lights, camera, action!

Here is a new section. It is brief, but I feel it is significant. I have already included it within the main body of the text. If you have already read the essay and don’t want to look for it, here it is:

Section: Can We Bring Back “Magic” To Our Logical, Scientific Reality?

A sword made by hand is far more powerful than a sword that is machined, I’m sure this is also the case with regards to cooking. I know there are “practitioners” out there and you have charms, ingredients, and rituals. Perhaps if you make everything by hand and gather everything, gather the ingredients from the wild or grow them yourself, will your magic be more powerful? Or is it magick with a “k”? When I say make everything yourself, I mean it literally. Let’s say you need a wooden charm. Would your magick be more powerful if you chopped down the tree yourself and carved the charm with your own hands? What if you also grew the tree as well? Magick is not something I’ve looked into extensively. I do browse some forums now and then. Please update me if this works for you. Or perhaps updating me will diminish its power. If that’s the case, then don’t tell me. I will look into it myself eventually, there are certain things right now that I am more focused with.

Interestingly, there are arguments in the fields of sociology of science and philosophy of science that suggest that the call for the logical to be thought of solely in scientific and mathematical terms is itself based on an almost magical belief in science. Some continental philosophers, especially Maurice Merlau-Ponty, would argue that perception is magical, and cannot be otherwise. His twist on phenomenology calls for the dismantling of the inside-outside or subject-object divide. It dovetails with the concerns you raise.

Hi rainman,

I am not familiar with Maurice Merlau-Ponty. I will definitely look into his work. Thank you.

Section: The Consciousness Of “The Wild”

If you are a gardener, you may have noticed something similar to what I will describe. I was mowing my lawn and I noticed a new species I have not seen in my lawn before. The perfectly logical scientific explanation would be that a bird had a seed in its beak and flew over my lawn and accidentally dropped the seed. This makes perfect sense to everyone. But what if that is not the actual truth? What if, out of nothing, the plant just popped into existence? And if you didn’t do it, then who or what did? Let’s take this to the extreme. Suppose we devastate our world and eradicate all plant life, through pollution or nuclear war or whatever. We would be doomed. But I think, one day, we would start seeing edible plant life emerge. We could of course just say, somehow these seeds survived. If you’re not a science fiction fan, you may have no idea what I’m talking about. In Star Trek 2: The Wrath of Khan, some federation officers were tasked to find a planet completely and utterly devoid of life. If colonizers settled on a planet devoid of life, I think plant life would simply start growing. And this would actually be scientifically testable, as soon as we develop space travel of course. We could say the colonizers unknowingly brought the spores or seeds somehow and the seeds dispersed throughout the planet, but I think that’s just us denying our power. The closest for us is the moon. If we colonized the moon, would plant life start growing? I believe this is called the anthropic principle.

Section: A Self-Defining Symbolic Contract Of Existence That Incorporates Free Will… I’m An Awareness And You’re An Awareness; And Whether We All Like It Or Not, We’re All Immortal And We All Know It

Let’s just cut to the chase. If you can read this at this moment, then there is no need to define awareness, there is no need to define existence. It doesn’t matter what race you are. It doesn’t matter if you’re rich or poor, we’re all immortal and we all know it. It doesn’t matter if you are strong or weak. It doesn’t matter if you’re ugly or attractive. It doesn’t matter if you are short or tall. It doesn’t matter if you are fearful or brave. It doesn’t matter if you live a life of toil or a life of leisure. It doesn’t matter if you are polite or rude. It doesn’t matter if you are confident or flabbergasted. It doesn’t matter if you want heaven or armageddon. It doesn’t matter if you feel hunger or a full stomache. It doesn’t matter if you are homeless or live in a mansion. It doesn’t matter if you are religious or atheist. It doesn’t matter if you are lazy or productive. It doesn’t matter if you feel stress or feel at peace. It doesn’t matter if you are insignificant or all-powerful. It doesn’t matter if you have a high school degree or a PhD. It doesn’t matter if you are deceived or deceiver. It doesn’t matter if you are oppressed or oppressor. It doesn’t matter if you use science or magick. It doesn’t matter if you are the alpha male or the omega male. It doesn’t matter if you are good or evil, we are all immortal and we all know it. We have all eternity to sort out the details… or create new ones.

On the most fundamental level of existence, on the level of every infinite conscious being, being nothing but pure awareness; there are no consequences for being good or evil… there is your free will. On a physical level, however, I believe there are consequences.

Ah, I think I see now. I mentioned earlier that I believe money is some type of spiritual energy storage mechanism. Therefore if the value of money depreciates or an economy collapses, it means the controllers of the banking system have taken away your spiritual energy and are using it for themselves somehow. Again, this is not the full picture, only a piece of it.

What a creative and positive outlook! Creating your own movie universe sounds like a fantastic idea.

Different people have various beliefs and interpretations regarding the nature and role of money, economics, and spirituality.

New section.

Section: How To Mentally Live As A Spirit And Not As A Physical Being

Whatever religion you practice is irrelevant. Whatever deity or deities you worship is irrelevant. Whether you are atheist or agnostic is irrelevant. Whether you use magick or science is irrelevant. Whatever culture you have is irrelevant. As long as you have language and writing, you should find this “spiritually” practical. If you are not spiritual, then you can ignore all of this nonsense. Buy a blank journal. If you want to keep your journal in Spanish, German, or Mandarin, instead of English; it’s fine. Do not do this just because I tell you to. If you are reading this, you might feel compelled to do this right now. Do NOT do this right now. Do this when it finally makes sense to you, it will be more rewarding. Let’s say for example, you are out for a walk and you truly become self-aware and you finally truly realize that you can actually live forever. You bust out your smart-phone to make a note of the time and place when this realization occurred to you.

And let’s say this is the note you made:

Tuesday - March 12, 2024 - 8:25 pm - Hiking nature trail

In your journal, write this down:

Tuesday - March 12, 2024 - 8:25 pm - Day 1 of Existence

When you wake up the next day, write this:

Wednesday - March 13, 2024 - Day 2 of Existence

When you wake up the next day, write this:

Thursday - March 14, 2024 - Day 3 of Existence

When you wake up the next day, write this:

Friday - March 15, 2024 - Day 4 of Existence


Consider this as “minimal” effort in order to mentally live as a spirit and not as a physical being. Whatever else you want to write in your journal is entirely up to you. This journal could potentially form the basis for your own unique “magick” or spirituality if you desire to pursue such things. Do not make it an online journal. Buy an actual physical journal that has physical papers. Your existence is yours and none can claim it save you.

New Section.

Section: Eclipse Symbolism

Scientifically, we all know what an eclipse is… it is the moon coming between the earth and the sun. But let’s approach this from a symbolic perspective. An individual I correspond with has stated the eclipse is a “conception”. Traditionally the sun is considered an aspect of masculinity while the moon is considered an aspect of femininity. So when an eclipse occurs I can see how it could be perceived as a conception. And after conception, there is birth. So an eclipse will eventually birth something. My belief is something else. Google “total eclipse” and look at all the images that pop up. The eclipse looks like the pupil of an eye. It also looks like a void. What does an eye symbolize? Knowledge? Knowing? Seeing? Awareness? I am uncertain as to why famous actors or musicians cover their right eye when they do photo ops, I’ve never been able to figure it out. Does an eclipse symbolize awareness? When an eclipse happens, is it symbolically an eye that is looking at us? Whose eye is it? When you stare at an eclipse are you looking directly into the eye of a conscious being or entity? I believe the universe is created by the Great Mind, perhaps the eclipse is the eye of the Great Mind. If it is a void, then are we seeing through the veil of physical reality? Are you in a room right now? Stare at the wall. Behind the wall is pure blackness, pure void. When you stare at an eclipse are you actually seeing the void? Or are you directly looking at the consciousness of your own inner mind. When you look at an eclipse are you actually seeing what you see when you get into a meditative state? Perhaps when you see an eclipse, the veil of physical reality temporarily opens a portal and you are literally seeing the void that exists behind reality.

We have evolved and an eclipse no longer has its ancient mystique. But reality has evolved alongside with us into a vast seemingly infinite endless universe. So we have replaced eclipses with black holes. It is now black holes that make us wonder what we are looking at. And if we figure out black holes, we will create something new to make us wonder.

New section. Very brief.

Section: Computer Programming And Its Correlation To Physical Reality

Here is an image from the computer/video game Ghost of Tsushima. You can see a man holding a sword, trees and statues in the background. You can see the man’s figure casting a shadow on the ground due to the bright sun on the left. The game has physics. It has NPCs. It has wild animals. It has a rudimentary morality system. It tells a story. There are numerous complex systems working together to make it all work. It is quite similar to our physical reality. And on its most fundamental level, it is made entirely with 1s and 0s. Complex systems can emerge from simple 1s and 0s. I have concluded, on its most fundamental level, our physical reality is created by the yin-yang symbol. Survival games have hunger and thirst mechanics, based on 1s and 0s. When we feel hunger, is it really due to the yin-yang symbol? Some games have magic, like Hogwart’s Legacy. These magic systems are made from 1s and 0s. So magic in our physical reality would have to somehow emerge from the yin-yang symbol. In some computer games, you are a superhero that can fly; 1s and 0s… yin and yang. The fundamental language of computers is known as binary, an electronic state is either on or off, 1 or 0. This implies that numerology, although considered more on the “magick” side of things, might have some type of logical basis.

New sub-section on a section I am working on.

Section: My Thoughts, And Dreams, Thus Far On Attaining The Ability To Fly And Its Symbolic Meaning

Can I fly? No. But I think about it often and I have dreamt it. If we can make ourselves immortal, then I don’t see why we can’t eventually fly. It is something I think we have to work on though. Here are my ponderings thus far.

A scientific perspective

A dream perspective

A magic perspective

A spiritual perspective

A consciousness perspective

Ignore the fact that you can “feel” your body. Let’s focus strictly on “sight” for now. This is your true shape, the white part… roughly. It’s an ellipse basically. You have an elliptical shape. You are an ellipse.


If I draw in a pupil, you can see it looks like an eye. You are not a humanoid biped. You are an eye. You are an eye that sees itself. You are existence. And all the laws of existence exist inside of you. There is eye symbolism on the dollar bill.

[There is supposed to be an image here, but I am only allowed one image per post]

If you go for a walk, you might see this.

[There is supposed to be an image here, but I am only allowed one image per post]

Everything inside the ellipse is you, the sandy soil, the wooden poles, the rope connecting all the poles, the plant life, the clouds, the blue sky. Now look in a different direction and you might see this. You have INSTANTLY changed what you are simply by looking in a different direction.

[There is supposed to be an image here, but I am only allowed one image per post]

Now lift up your hand and put it in front of your face. You would see this.

[There is supposed to be an image here, but I am only allowed one image per post]

Physically all you did was lift your hand. But what is really happening? I think you created the hand “inside” your true shape. What you perceive inside your true shape can change instantly. There are actually greater implications to this statement. I will add these implications to the essay when I feel more confident about them. From a consciousness perspective, flying would be changing what you perceive “inside” of you. This is a perspective that involves your physical eyes being open. So if you could fly, this is what you would create inside of you.

[There is supposed to be an image here, but I am only allowed one image per post]

So how would we create something like this inside of us? I don’t know.

A collective consciousness perspective

Is the reason that we collectively, as humanity, cannot fly is because we feel we don’t deserve to be able to fly even if we may not be aware that we feel we don’t deserve to be able to fly? We can define reality. If all 8 billion of us simultaneously believed that we all could fly, would we all actually start flying?

If you would like to see the images, here is a link to the original essay. Copy and paste to your URL and remove all the spaces.

h t t p s : / / y o u r c o n s t r u c t 2 . b l o g s p o t . c o m /

Section: An Argument For The Existence Of The One Awareness/Great Mind That Creates Reality

I would like to stress, I am not presenting proof of the existence of the one awareness. This is an argument. Solid verifiable proof seems impossible. Let’s take the physics of a free-falling object. We can all agree that if you take a rock in your hand and then release it, it will fall to the ground. We can all agree this is “natural” behavior. This natural behavior can be modeled with a Newtonian mathematical equation,

x = 0.5gt^2

x represents the vertical distance the object will fall when released, g represents the force due to gravity, and t represents time, which is squared. The 0.5 is nothing more than a constant. All objects released by hand will obey this equation. An object like a feather or piece of paper will have drag forces acting upon it, to account for that we add another term that takes into account the surface area, velocity, and density of the object; but let’s keep things simple and just stick with x = 0.5gt^2. You can model this behavior inside a computer simulation. Here is my argument, a mathematical equation is not natural. A mathematical equation can only be created by a conscious mind. A mathematical equation has symbols and operations, symbols and operations are not natural. Symbols and operations are created. Let’s go back to 65 million years ago. Dinosaurs are about to be wiped out and man’s ancestors are tiny shrew like creatures. But what’s really important is that language and math do not even exist yet. I believe the probability that an animal was eating something in its mouth and then accidentally dropped it to the ground 65 million years ago is 100%. The food the animal was eating fell to the ground and obeyed this equation, x = 0.5gt^2. This equation applied to an animal that didn’t even have language or math or some type of counting system. For math to exist, language and symbolic writing would have to come first.

The image above is from the movie Star Trek 2: The Wrath of Khan (image used without permission). It is a computer simulation of the Genesis Effect, most likely done with fractal equations. You see an ocean, terrain, snow, and mountains. It looks completely natural. But it was all created with mathematical equations. Mathematical equations are not natural, they are created. Does the equation, x = 0.5gt^2, look natural to you? I don’t think it should, it’s highly symbolic. But yet “natural” objects obey this equation.

These are known as the Navier-Stokes equations. They are used to model the behavior of fluids in three dimensional space. It’s a bit more complicated than free fall as they involve derivatives. They are used to model weather, water flow, air flow, and used extensively in computer animation. These equations have been formulated with scientific observation and experimentation.

[There is supposed to be an image here]

There are only two philosophical possibilities; water obeys these equations or water wrote these equations so that water can behave the way it does. Either possibility requires a conscious mind. And only a conscious mind can create math, symbols, and equations. The shape of the continents of our earth, the movement of ocean currents, the forces of wind and erosion and plate tectonics all obey mathematical equations. I would have to conclude that our physical reality, our “natural” world, is being created by a conscious mind. Again this is not proof, it is a deduction. If you want to call this conscious mind God, Allah, Brahma, The Great Spirit, or whatever, go ahead; but don’t use this conscious mind to justify your atrocities, perpetuate fear for people not in your religion, or spiritually manipulate them. My suspicion is that this conscious mind creating reality is us. This argument fails if mathematical equations can occur naturally without consciousness.

Let’s say for example that for life to exist in a universe, the universe has to obey this equation

y = 2(x) + 1

Let’s also constrain possible letters and say that only the letters x, y, and z exist; the four mathematical operations exist, add, subtract, multiply, and divide; and the "= " symbol exists. Let’s also stipulate that the order or sequence matters. Here are possible outcomes:

Universe 1 creates “x” - no life

Universe 2 creates “y” - no life

Universe 3 creates “z” - no life

Universe 4 creates “x =” - no life

Universe 5 creates “x +” - no life

Universe 6 creates “y =” - no life, but it is on the right track

Universe 7 creates “y = 3” - no life, but was on the right track before it created the 3, this universe can still add more letters and operations but life will never occur, but there will still be consciousness, there will still be an awareness that knows it exists

Even the generation of “randomness” cannot occur without a conscious mind. “No pattern randomness” is still a concept, and a concept cannot occur without a conscious mind. For something to begin, or start, is a concept. For something to always exist and never have a start or ending is a concept.