When we eat meat, we are not breaking any laws.

Maybe in our law… but with their law “the vegan law”, yes. we should also try to understand their beliefs and respect it.

exactly. if everyone lived their lives according to laws alone, the world would be a baaaaaddd place to live in. Sometimes you gotta kind of make up your own laws - moral laws - to live by.

okay seriously. first of all, there IS something wrong with that. second, im usually pretty tolerant with non-vegetarians but ur just being obnoxious. if you have nothing good to say, please dont say it. this is a vegan/vegatarian forum. lets keep it that way. go find a zombie meat-eating carnivorous murderer chat and keep your thoughts to people who feel the same way as you. you dont belong here and none of that crap you say we are going to listen to because it is WRONG. sorry for being so harsh/rude/mean - im usually not like this! but ur really bugging and offending all of us and what we stand for. thanks :slight_smile:

There may not be any laws broken, but like man, the legal system is fallible. There’s an upcoming conference discussing animal ethics issues arising out of the current US legal system. It’s being held in Los Angeles the later part of this month (July 2011). Here’s info on it if you’re interested.


Yes you are right, everybody is none vegetarian. because everybody takes medicines and it is made from eggs. I am saying for them who says that when we eat meat, we are breaking law.

Humans are animals as well. I learned this in third grade science class.

People wage war, destroy the environment as cause incredible suffering for other animals. Just because we do it, doesn’t make it right.

There are people who have no options and hunt for sustenance. i have no problem with that. But there are also millions of people who never eat meat and do just fine.