Well, ya mix kahlua with some silk brand or other brand, if it exists, soy creamer.
Hi snog! How was your holiday??? new recipe for a drink… that’s cool
Meign, my holidays were fun! Alas, I ate much dairy, I confess. Cookies, icecream, cheese. Oh boy. Inhad friends up and so wasn’t alone. Got some nice gifts, though we’ve all scaled back on the giving and getting. Only received one gift that I didn’t like, so gave it away.
Just put away all my decorations yesterday, tho I have left up 2 strings of red LED lights… They cheer me greatly. Think I’ll leave em up till Easter, lol…
How was your holiday season?
My holiday was also fun Snog! As always, we had a big family party. All adults played parlor games. Picture taking always takes place. At least family’s attendance is complete during holiday seasons. My two daughters also enjoyed the season because they have received lots of gift, lots of gift wrappers to recycle. It was not only you who forgot the diet. I also did. oh who would have resist ice creams and cakes