Vegan Bed and Breakfast tour-- Virginia/West Virginia

Hey everyone! We’re toying with the idea of setting up a tour through vegan bed and breakfasts and restaurants in Virginia and West Virginia. More details are available on our blog:

We’d really like to hear your thoughts, ideas, and suggestions regarding a trip like this, so if you can check out the blog and drop some comments that would be awesome.

Hi! Wow, I think that you have a wonderful idea here! It’s not all the time that someone offers a vegan bed and breakfast tour. I’m pretty sure that a lot of people will be really interested in this kind of trip because it’s healthy and you get to learn a lot. Unfortunately, your link doesn’t seem to be working.

You have done a great work buddy… keep doing such a good thing like this… Thanks for sharing with all of us.

Nice resource. It will be very helpful one for vegan people during travel. Thanks for sharing this here with us.

Very useful resource provided. It will be very helpful. Thank you.