As we approach this Easter Season, the thought of many parents is to get a duckling to raise as a pet for their children. Unfortunately they don’t realize the responsibility involved with raising these creatures and If, they really want to learn the true and humane responsibility involved, they need to ask themselves honestly and truthfully the following questions:
Q: Am I legally allowed to have ducks where I live?
Make sure to check with local town regulations first, to make sure that you can keep livestock, especially ducks. Don’t think that you can get around this, because ducks, especially female ducks, can actually be quiet loud—almost comparable to a rooster crowing.
Q: Where will I keep the ducks?
Ducks need a minimum of 6 square feet of open floor space, per duck. Unless you want your young children traumatized by the sight of mutilated remains of their pet, you will need to protect them from predators. Ducks have numerous both domestic and wild animals that will injure or kill them at the first opportunity.
Q: Can I financially afford ducks?
Initial upfront costs to build a safe, predator-proof pen that can house two adult ducks is going to cost a minimum of $800. Annual feed costs (for two ducks) ranges between $200-500. Also consider veterinary fees, as ducks can get sick or injured too. If you do not think that you can afford to bring your duck to a vet, you should not be buying a duck.
Q: Will I have time to take care of the ducks?
Ducks are messy. Ducks also love the mud and will dabble in mud or whatever substrate that is made available to them, shove it in their fresh clean water bucket, and proceed to splatter it everywhere. Their water, feed, and swimming pool needs to be dumped, scrubbed, and refilled daily.
Q: Does my child really want or need a duck?
Children may initially think they are cute, but the novelty will eventually wear off and/or they will get overwhelmed with caring for them or just bored. However, what happens when you want to take a family vacation? It is difficult to find a duck sitter. Also, ducks can live to 10 years of age—so when they leave, you will be responsible for caring for the duck.
Still Want A Duck?
If you are still keen on getting a duck, consider adopting one! Let your local animal shelter know to call you. Also, let your local feed store know, seeing as every year they always end up with customers
Because they don’t these birds suffer a horrible fate in the end. Some are killed or given to those who don’t realize the consequences involved. So with this Easter Season approaching which is a celebration of resurrected life for all living things and part of the reasons for Christ’s incarnation. Let us protect all life as all life matters to God.