Plants are no different than Animals

logical fallacy, your “crossroads” logic is pointless, the disinformation/thick propaganda is quite silly and incorrect. more gradeschool shenanigans from the witless troll. adam you are apparently clueless.

Saying that I spread propaganda then linking a youtube video titled: “What would Jesus do?” made by an eco-terrorist organization. Classic.

One can definitely eat fruits if there are concerns on plants.
Fruits get spoiled and rotten if nobody eats them, in fact they can seed only if somebody eats them leaving the seeds.
The fruit tree does not receive powers from it’s fruits, the tree gets power from its roots.

Trees no longer want nor need humans to eat their fruit simply because people no longer spread the seeds within. Without meaning to sound crude, we don’t crap in the bushes any more so we don’t spread their seeds around ergo: Wasted fruit for the treeand a lost potential seed.

As for fruit rotting, often that is a natural and integral part of a plant seeding, the rotted fruit provides a rich patch of composted soil to give the seed a little head start.

Both of your videos are factually incorrect on several points, if you cared to actually formulate an argument rather than spamming then I’d be happy to explain how but I bet you don’t even bother to read replies to your spam.

Totally agree plants are no different than animals

My sentiment is with Philosopher.

Why don’t you all just stop eating plants and animals?

You can do that if you want, but I’m more than happy to eat plants AND animals :flower:

Did you ever thought why most ripe fruits have such bright colors and sweet aromas? I don’t think that’s because they want to hide from you.

This is an old thread, but I have a solution:

Eat salt. Just eat salt all day and nothing else.


Also, why was Adam D even ON this forum???