other vegans and how they relate

I have been on a meat/ dairy free diet for 4 years now. Some of the vegans I have met in my community are very self righteous people. I feel they use veganism as a way to absolve themselves of responsibility of rude manners and things of the like. The mentality is that of “I am a vegan therefore I am perfect and nothing I do is ever wrong because I am a selfless human being”. I am wondering if there any vegans out there who are less into showboating their beliefs and being a good friend. I spend a lot of time volunteering at shelters and give time/ money to animal charities and ironically most of the fellow volunteers are not vegan at these events. But- they are less judgemental and down to earth people. Just wonder if anyone else has had similar experience. Thanks for listening…

You will find this with a lot of people in a lot of areas where passionate belief that does not fit or meet the standard set of day to day living with the broader society they live. This could be many things such as religion, politics, music, ethics and of course diet. You will find that a mxiture of all of these and many more are the makeup of many people, many of these beliefs less than conforming with the spectrum of the norm if you know what I mean. It is understandable and predictable that being surrounded by a large sector of society that essentially rubbishes your beliefs by an act of ignorance, disbelief or simple objection can resolve in to a defensive and aggressive person. The other course of action is simply to become closed off, except for the few that may fit in to their circle and not be threatening. There are many people with belief systems that fit in to this category that are just simply loving, open and understanding people too. Often this goes hand in hand with their belief as it so happens. Love of animals and love of people is a great thing to have. The idea of a judging people as wrong because their beliefs are wrong in your view is all to easy to do sadly. Often you will see dramatic change in people in the way they present over the course of time with things like this. I am constantly reassessing things like this because of my own failings and beliefs on many of these issues as a result of the impact I have on other people.

VBryan, thank you for your thoughtful answer. I appreciate your input! I have become one of those people who tend to only hang out with others who share my belief but as of lately, feel that may not be benefical. I know that I am not a perfect person and make mistakes but like you am willing to face my actions and see how my actions affect other people. I think people in general forget that sometimes- how our actions affect others.

Well said. I’d much rAther be around tolerant carnivores than self righteous vegans. I have 0 tolerance for such an exclusive mentality, and find it as oppressive as those flesh eaters who feel threatened by my not eating the same…