So my sister recently had a baby. I’m not much for kids myself and have no intention of having one, but I am interested in getting this kid to consider a vegan lifestyle when she is older. I’d like to start by exposing her to vegan food and literature young. (Yes, I am trying indoctrinate her, as I hear so many conservatives accuse us of.)
My sister used to be a vegetarian when she was around me, but stopped the moment she met her eventual husband in person, because she was scared he would pick on her. I don’t think she was ever that dedicated, to be honest, she was living with my boyfriend and myself, and we are pretty devout vegans, so it was fairly easy for her to be vegetarian around us. I say this because I don’t think she’s going to personally put any effort into educating her child about animal rights.
Incidentally, my sister lives in Va and I live in Fl. So the distance is huge.
Right now, my mother and I are making a cookbook for the kid she can use when she is older. I am going to put in a vegan section, and my mom is putting in an omni section.
Is there anything else I can sneakily do to help? Also, what are your feelings about kids and soy? I have heard the estrogen content in soy is bad for developing children. Causing early puberty in girls, and late puberty in boys. I know that rice milk is fortified similarly to soy milk, (I wish almond milk was.)