Most urgent un-addressed issue?

I’m a US resident and an academic with a business background. Much of what I’ve published is related to the human-animal relation, and since I’m a critical scholar, my work openly advocates for less or non-use of products that exploit and destroy non-human animals. I’ve resigned my position at the college (effective July 2014), and I’m taking my energy and advocacy for this issue into the not-for-profit sector.

I’ve done extensive research on the field to see where my energies might be most productive. I’d like to include in that research your thoughts. If you have a moment, please respond to this prompt:

What do you see as the most urgent animal welfare/rights/liberation issue (or issues) that is NOT being addressed (or is under-addressed)?

Really, these don’t have to be long responses. I’d just like more input, and I thought the Vegtalk forum would be a great place to ask!

Thank you, in advance, for your thoughtful responses–I look forward to reading them!

my best,