Looking for European vegans and vegetarians


I’m a new member, so I’ll give you a short introduction. I’m from the Netherlands and I’ve been a vegetarian for about half a year now and working my way towards veganism. But let’s get to the point of this thread. I’m a student and I’m currently working on my graduate research for a vegan shop. I’m not sure if this is the right place on this forum to post this, but I’m looking for European vegans and vegetarians to complete my online survey about online shopping. It will probably take you 5 to 10 minutes. I will really appreciate it if you’re willing to participate.

Apparently I can’t link to my survey in this post, so I’ll place the link in the response below :slight_smile:

Alright, here goes.
If you’re willing to participate, please follow this link: thesistools.com/web/?id=287274

Thank you :slight_smile: