Lime (Citrus aurantifolia)

Lime is a term referring to a number of different fruits, both species and hybrids, citruses, which are typically round, green to yellow in color, 3–6 cm in diameter, and containing sour and acidic pulp; they are a good source of vitamin C. Limes are often used to accent the flavours of foods and beverages. They are usually smaller than lemons. Limes are grown all year round and are usually sweeter than lemons.


In cooking, lime is valued both for the acidity of its juice and the floral aroma of its zest. It is a very common ingredient in authentic Mexican, Southwestern United States, Vietnamese and Thai dishes. It is also used for its pickling properties in ceviche. The use of dried limes (called black lime or loomi) as a flavouring is typical of Persian cuisine and Iraqi cuisine, as well as in Gulf-style baharat (a spice mixture that is also called kabsa or kebsa). Lime is an essential ingredient of any cuisine from India and many varieties of pickles are made e.g. Sweetened lime pickle, salted pickle, Lemon Chutney.

Lime leaves are also a herb in South, East, and Southeast Asia.
[edit] Other uses

In order to prevent scurvy during the 19th century, British sailors were issued a daily allowance of citrus such as lemon, and later switched to lime, which was not as effective at preventing scurvy but led over time to the nickname “limey” for all Britons. It was later discovered that the greater effectiveness of lemons derived from the 4-fold higher quantities of Vitamin C lemon juice contains compared to the West Indian limes used by the British.

Lime extracts and essential oils are frequently used in perfumes, cleaning products, and aromatherapy.

In India, the lime is used in Tantra for removing evil spirits. It is also combined with Indian chilis to make a protective charm to repel the evil eye. Furthermore, it was believed that hanging limes over sick people cured them of the illness by repelling evil spirits lurking inside the body.