I imagine I’m a pig…

I look up and all I see
Familiar faces back at me
And I am afraid.
Many people that I love
Looking down from above
You’ll show no mercy.
And I know that you won’t see
But by your actions you agree
To my death.

I am afraid
I am hurt
I am desperate
I am scared
My loved ones play a part
In my death

“Kill” is in your eyes
More important are pork pies
Than me.
I stare at you and plead
But all in vain, I’m soon to bleed
For your black pudding
As a pig my life’s worth nowt
Worth more dead without a doubt
No pity. No second thought.

As a pig it’s pain to ‘be’,
So I come back to being me.
NOW, I matter.

  • Bernie Jones