I’ve got an argument to make. Here are my major precepts:
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1) Humans are animals. Animals like any other. Intelligent, yes, but ultimately vulnerable to our instincts. For example, the instinct to survive.
2) Humans are predominantly carnivorous. We have been eating meat for a very long time. Probably much more in the past than the amount we consume today. Neanderthals (our close cousins) were entirely carnivorous.
3) Humans surviving on vegetarian diets are evolutionarily novel. There is no precedent. The vast majority of humans include meat in their diet. We simply do not know the long-term (that is, how-your-kids-evolve-long-term) effects of an animal-free diet.
4) Carnivores tend to be smart. Intelligence really helps a predator out. It takes more intelligence to hunt (or even raise livestock) than it does to, say, pick berries.
5) Our primate cousins are also omnivorously adapted, though not as carnivorous. They lack the tool use and social community that enable humans to obtain meat so effectively.
So, here’s where my argument gets going…
Many of our primate cousins will eat meat whenever its available. They go (pun ho) ape-s*** over the stuff. And they don’t kill as cleanly as many carnivores or carnivorous omnis do. Spinal-cord targeting? Major artery hits? “I ate it all in one bite?” Stun-bolts and gas chambers? Sorry, none of the above. Primates barely even endorse pack-hunting tactics or much of a concept for sharing.
No, primates do it dirty.
I mean multiple, clumsy, flailing blows. Beatdowns. Tearing the belly out. Tearing it limb from limb. Drawn-out fights while the prey animal suffers from inflicted wounds. It’s very gruesome stuff compared to what carnivores or even humans do. To most other animal-eaters, it’s a matter of kill-quick-and-divide (somewhat) reasonably. Why waste energy on the kill? Why waste energy fighting over it? These topics are considered more evenly among the more carnivorous.
My argument is that any human society that continues a veg*an diet risks a strong possibility of:
A) Losing a great deal of their intelligence.
Meat consumption is possibly linked to intelligence. If not meat, then the intelligence prerequisites to hunt or raise livestock.
B) Returning to meat-eating.
What happens when intelligence wanes? When the edible plants run out? Gotta eat something.
C) Being very violent in how they procure their meat.
Like other primates, as described above. Such could have been our past. Could it also be the veg*an future?
Interested to hear your thoughts, please.