How helpful is Prolotherapy for sports injuries?

Joint pain can be so severe and devastating that patients seek out for instant relief and consume pain medications. When this condition aggravates, doctors usually recommend surgery as the next step and even joint replacements for hip and knee. Many patients would be uncertain to choose a procedure that requires a long recovery time or does not guarantee success. Another cause of concern is that some joint replacements last only for few years and should be redone. Prolotherapy is gaining too much popularity as more and more people are searching for alternatives to surgery for alleviating chronic joint pain.

Prolotherapy treatments offer less complications and a faster healing process since they exploit the body’s natural ability to heal itself. Joint pain is often caused by weakening of ligaments and tendons, which grasps the muscles and bones together. The deterioration of ligaments and tendons inflicts strain on sensitive areas of the bones. Prolotherapy treatments entail an injection of a mild irritant directly into the problem area. This results in an immune response of the body to the inflammation, increasing blood flow to the affected area and restoration of the tissues. The newly formed ligaments and tendons are relatively strong and thick, and over a period of time eradicate stress from the bone.

After taking prolotherapy injection, patients report increased mobility and a significant decrease in pain. Although it is not an instantaneous wonder cure, the recovery time is less as opposed to other surgeries and also the improvements are radical. Prolotherapy can assist the healing process for particular injuries. In an injured joint, a local anaesthetic and a natural irritant are injected into places where ligaments, tendons, or cartilage have weakened.

Ortho Regenerative Institute

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