Healthy Vegan Pesto Potato Salad Recipe

Pesto Sauce

* Handful fresh basil leaves
* 2 Tbsp pine nuts
* 1 garlic clove, pressed
* pinch of sea salt
* 2 Tbsp olive oil
* 1 lemon, zested and juiced


* 8 small potatoes, quartered
* Large bunch of fresh greens (spinach, mizuna, etc...)

Healthy Vegan Pesto Potato Salad Recipe Directions

  1. Start by cooking the potatoes. Put them in a pot with water and a pinch of salt, bring to a boil and cook for 15-20 minutes, or until they are soft. Drain them and put them in a bowl to cool slightly.
  2. Make the pesto by grinding the ingredients with a mortar and pestle or in a food processor. Toss the potatoes with the pesto, then add the greens and toss. I hope you enjoy this pesto potato salad recipe, the latest of my healthy vegan recipes.

Hope you’ll enjoy preparing this salad as you watch its video :smiley:

this is a very testy salad. but without sesame, fennel and dill powder is not perfect test.

Wow, it really tastes delicious. The ingredient listed here are pretty cool and it can actually add a wondrous flavour to this yummy salad dish. More than vinegar, I prefer to add some filament or little fresh lime juice drops. That makes me wow and crazy for salad. Apart from these even if you for vege- salads or chicken salad prefer olive oil some time rather than any other kind of oil. It is beneficial to the health.