Guerrilla Beauty

I’ld love to hear your feedback on the following website I’m involved with:

It is a total ethical living website, rather than a dedicated vegan website. It is still in it’s infancy, but I hope it will become a useful resource :slight_smile:

Nice site, Becka. :slight_smile:

Too much war for a totally ethical lifestyle imho. :wink:

Where do you host the site? It loads quite slowly on my computer, especially for a word press blog.

You can also set up the permalinks to something more search engine friendly in your wordpress settings.

Thanks Andy :smiley:

:laughing: You are right about too much war :laughing: but most of the women I spoke to liked the idea :slight_smile: I think that control is a big issue for women - we are always being told to buy this and eat that, and try to look like a 17-year-old… So it is a bit like a guerrilla war: we want to take back some power over our lives! But a nice, friendly war with no guns :wink:

At the moment it is hosted on a basic package intended for wordpress blogs for a few months. I looked around at different hosting offers, but nobody knew how much web space, bandwidth, etc. we were likely to need! I was going to post some messages on the webmasters’ forums… Can you give me any advice?

Nice changes and today it loads quicker. :slight_smile:

When you start with a webpage it usually has insignificant traffic.
Only when it becomes really popular it may need a dedicated hosting solution.

Thank :slight_smile: I found a “WP Super Cache” plugin which speeded everything up - something to do with wordpress pages being dynamic amd not static?

And I’ve been playing with lots of different templates… I seem to have become the tech-person in my group :smiley:

I now have a healthy respect for webmasters :notworthy: do you just learn all this stuff from experience?