Diet vs Exercise

a proper balance between the two of them will get yourse;lf the best results
so consult your dieticien for a good diet plan and consult your gym instructor for good exercise that he can recomend to you

I agree to you here…Diet and exercise are equally important. A balanced diet helps the body toned and heps you stay fit and energetic.
I compiled a few tips and FAQs for fitness and exercising enthusiasts.Here is the URL:
I hope you enjoy it.

I reckon they’re both equally important too: if you diet without exercising, your body just seems to slow down and you feel rubbish :cry: If you exercise without watching what you eat, you seem to feel sluggish and end up not training effectively. Or I do…

Though, I’ve read a couple of articles recently about how toddlers naturally select food that provides all the nutrition they need, and people should just eat whatever their body is telling them it wants? Does anyone find that’s the case?

Thanks for the link Ian. Was intrigued by the meditation tips: I’ve heard a lot of conflicting advice about how to meditate, can you recommend any sites? Thnx :smiley:

Both are important but at least Yoga claims it is more important to start having a proper diet than to start practicing exercises.

Hm… it depends what is understood by exercise?
If someone works in office on PC the whole day, then walks just to his car to drive home, then watches tv at home without moving too much, then exercise is REALLY important to this person to stay healthy.

On the contrary if people live in villages like most did in India and their day consists mostly of physical work… walking and such… they don’t need too much exercise… already having enough… but if you ever tried Indian cuisine you will understand why diet is important for Yoga :laughing:
It’s so damn spicy that a normal person can barely eat it!! The average Hindu eats 1 kg of black pepper per week.
I didn’t eat that much pepper my whole life :slight_smile:
And that’s besides all the other spices they use.
And there was no TV and computers when Yoga was invented people were spending a huge amount of time outside among nature. Walking, running and working.

Yeah, I’m listening to my body… especially if I have a choice :laughing:
and I believe everyone should learn to…

It’s ok to listen to your body. Just don’t listen to your stomach. That part of the body is very mean :slight_smile:

It is mean. My trousers split at work today! :cry: And there were loads of important people visiting! :cry:

And I love Indian food! :smiley:

Maybe the above are connected in some way… :wink:

Exersize is important…

so lets start:
Jump with me :blob: :blob3: :blob4: :blob5: :blob8:

one, two! one, two! higher! higher! :smiley:

… stand up and fight!
You’re in the army now … :laughing:

I think both are important for a healthy body. coz if you don’t eat healthy then its no use of exercising …

kinda stinks, but theres not usually a lot you can do to change your body’s metabolism. i’d recommend lifting a lot more weight in shorter spurts. the whole food thing never seemed to change my body type much. i can eat whatever, and i’ll fluctuate withing 10 lbs or so, but i never lose much more or gain much more than that, UNLESS i start lifting more weight, and to not burn out, i do way fewer reps. you can still do more reps with less weight too, to keep your cut.

but, at least you’re one of those ppl that cant GAIN weight, rather than one of those ppl that cant LOSE weight. thats gotta be a lot harder to deal with.

yeah, you are right… :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

It is necessary to balance both your diet
and exercise, both play an important role
in maintaining your health.


ya,i think exercise is better then diet.
Here is some Benefits of exercise:
=>Reduces the risk of dying prematurely.
=>Reduces the risk of dying from heart disease.
=>Reduces the risk of developing diabetes.
=>Reduces the risk of developing high blood pressure and helps reduce blood pressure in people who already have high blood pressure.
=>Reduces the risk of developing colon cancer.
=>Reduces feelings of depression and anxiety.
=>Helps control weight.
=>Helps build and maintain healthy bones, muscles and joints.
=>Helps older adults become stronger and better able to move about without falling.
=>Promotes psychological well-being.

I’d say both as you need both for an optimal health. However in my case, I’ve seen it’s way more important Diet than exercise. This is not to say one should focus on diet and forget about exercise. But I’ve noticed that on long periods where I don’t exercise at all but kept a good diet I still feel and I’m healthy whereas in the opposite case, where I don’t have a good diet (eating a lot of junk food) even if I exercise regularly I don’t feel healthy and normally have some little struggles.

If you mean weight loss, then diet is more important than exercise. Proper nutrition is 70% of success in losing weight, training or any cardio like cycling with Tomasso only helps to build muscle and give your body a more beautiful and healthy look. When it comes to overall health, both diet and exercise are important for the body

I completely agree with you! It can be so easy to get caught up in the marketing machine and think that a certain diet alone is enough to solve all of our problems. The truth is, veganism and cycling are both important tools to a healthier lifestyle and a healthier planet. Plus, it’s an incredibly rewarding journey to embark on when you see the positive changes it can bring to your health and the environment!

even if your exercising yet still eating rubbish you’re just going to undo what weight your loosing in my eyes, I think you definitely need to have a balanced diet alongside doing exercise