Carbohydrates are the body’s main source of energy. There are three different kinds of carbohydrates.They include starch, sugar, and fiber.Starch is made from chains of small sugars.When these chains are broken down during digestion, we get energy. We get 4 calories from each gram of starch (or sugar). We do not get calories from fiber because our bodies do not break fiber down during digestion.
Plant foods like cereals, bread, rice, pasta, potatoes, plantains and corn are good sources of starch. They give us the energy we need to do daily activities. These starchy foods give us important vitamins and minerals, too.
Because carbohydrate-rich foods are usually low in calories, they can help us keep a healthy weight. When we add fat (like butter, sour cream or gravies) at the table or when we cook , we add extra calories and may gain weight. Try using less mayonnaise, butter or margarine on breads and muffins. Use less gravy or sour cream on potatoes. When we shop we can get the carbohydrates we need without added fat by reading food labels. Compare crackers and bread products and try the ones with less fat. Use more vegetables without fatty sauces.
I have to clarify some of the information in this post.
First, carbohydrates are USUALLY the body’s preferred source of energy. However, if you aren’t eating carbohydrates, your body will adjust and use fat for energy, which is known as ketosis.
Second, there is no reason to vilify fat. Fat is a necessary macronutrient that is used by the body for many critical functions. The key, from a body composition perspective, is not to mix carbohydrates that elicit high insulin response with fats. The simplified reason for this is that the presence of insulin in your blood shuts down the fat burning process.
So to expand on sherbsonline’s point, you should combine your carbohydrates and fats carefully.
Foods that contained carbohydrates which :
Foods with moderate amounts of carbohydrates include rice, raisins, milk and green peas, while yogurt, beans and lentils and several varieties of fresh fruits and vegetables, such as apples, bananas and carrots, contain carbohydrates in lower amounts.
Dishes such as palak paneer, with large amounts of cooked spinach, offer high quality carbohydrates, as does aloo matar, Indian spiced potatoes and peas. Fruits are common deserts and can contain ample amounts of fiber. Mango is the most widely used fruit in India, but apricots, pineapple, figs and seetaphal are good sources of carbohydrates.
Carbohydrates are one of the main nutrients in our diet. They help provide energy for our body. There are three main types of carbohydrates found in foods: sugars, starches, and fiber. People with diabetes often need to count the amount of carbohydrates they eat.
Your body needs all three forms of carbohydrates to function properly. Sugars and starches are broken down by the body into glucose (blood sugar) to be used as energy. Fiber is the part of food that is not broken down by the body. Fiber helps you to feel full and can help you stay at a healthy weight. There are two types of fiber. Insoluble fiber adds bulk to your stools so you stay regular. Soluble fiber helps lower cholesterol levels and can help improve blood glucose control.
Some foods that is rich in carbohydrats are onions, oatmeal, sweet potatoes and wheat germ. Wheat germ is a power house of carbohydrates which can bring about you many health benefits.
I agree that carbohydrates are very important for one’s overall health. I especially like to eat yams (sweet potatoes) in order to attain them.
“Yams are a very good source of dietary fiber and potassium. They are also a good source of several vitamins, including vitamins B1, B6 and C. In addition, yams are a good source of manganese and carbohydrates. A 3 1/2 ounce (100 gram) serving provides 116 calories, mostly as 27.6 grams of carbohydrate, with 3.9 grams of fiber.” – excerpt from page 171 of “The Condensed Encyclopedia of Healing Foods,” written by Michael Murray N.D., and Joseph Pizzorno N.D. with Lara Pizzorno M.A., L.M.T.