blog about vegan photography / activism and related issues

Hi, I would like to invite you to check my new blog about vegan photography, visual creations with some texts about animal equality activism, veganism and related issues:

Spanish version:

All my photos can also be found at Equality flickr page.

Please take a look at them and share your thoughts about it, feedback is welcome!


Can you post some of your best photos here?
I’m sure it will atract more trafic to your sites! :wink:


These are six photos I have taken + two designs I have done. I hope you like them. there are quite more at my site.

Your feedback, comments / thoughts are welcome! :wink:

Price to pay.

Humans are also made of meat.

National lamb at slaughterhouse price.

Burgers at 3,99

When I grow up.

Infancy in the Sunday market.

I have a whole “speciesist childrens books” serie, these are two of them:

Translation: “And with her hair we make wool.
So once a year, all the sheep are sheared…”

I don’t find the images really motivational…
Don’t know why…

I think that images in the end are better.

I love all the images!
Great work!
Keep it up!

I don’t get how these photos promote veganism? :confused:

some of them are even scary !
the last one just more interesting…