Amazon stock Vegan Food?!

Just discovered that Amazon have a grocery store, which stocks vegan food (baking supplies, condiments, that kind of thing, as well as ready made noodles / boxed meals) :toothy10:

Unfortunately, it seems to be (the US version) but the UK version doesn’t have a grocery section :cry: Yet! :evil4:

I’m spending too much time on here… I’m off to drink beer and watch Lord Of The Rings :occasion5:

Thank you for sharing that about Amazon. I will have to check their grocery store out some time soon.

Have fun watching “Lord of the Rings.” It is a great movie (or trilogy, I should say!)

What part of LOTR are you watching? :wink:

I was watching The Fellowship of the Ring - the scenes of Hobbitton remind me of some of the pubs and people I know in the Westcountry :laughing: Unfortunately not many places are like that now :frowning: Don’t know when I’m going to watch the other two parts :wink: