why people are not vegans?

This is a very good question.

I think most of the people are selfish. They eat meat because they think it tastes good. In reality it has only been flavoured so well. People would eat soles if it is only flovoured good enough.

People are also very shallow. They only think about THEIR problems in life. They dont think about others suffering. Some chick might have a serious problem because her boobs are too small. At the same time people DIE in hunger.

There are also false information about food. For example milk-production advertise that milk makes our bones strong. People have lactose-intolerance but sure they have strong bones without milk. Most of the calsium comes from veggies.

Then there are traditions like christmas. Everybody just eat pig then. Well, the smart one probably starts to doubt itā€¦ :unamused:

Willful ignorance and rationalizations.

Sadlyā€¦some people just donā€™t care about animals or their viewpoint is skewed they have pet cat/dog/hamster etc. but still hurt other animals :angry: Ignorance, laziness, lack of time/finance/avability of vegan products.

Itā€™s hard. Plain and simple. Even in 2019 with all the available resources, books, websites and easy labeling on food products it all comes down to mindset. Can you make a commitment and stick with it? Having a strong mindset is paramount. It also helps to have your why? Why do you want to be vegan? Is it for animals? Is it for health. Is it the environment? Lawmakers should implement incentives for people to vegan and even for corporations to have vegan options for all products. It can make a world of difference.
Check out the following site for ways to get started on the vegan journey!


i think its a cultural thing. takes some time for people to change.
and when enough people change, society will slowly change too

I was just reading Professor Mankiwā€™s Principles of Macroeconomics, and I realized that diary is staple for agrarian cultures. This is not to say that farmers donā€™t exploit cattle or other farm animals. Just to point out that without these agrarian practices, many animals, even species, might find it difficult to forage on their own. The animals are not seen as livestock and are mostly only consumed after death. Some of my friends argue that every single person should be vegan. Thatā€™s not tenable, I think. For instance, what would happen to these agrarians and the animals they care for should this come to pass? Even if food shortage spikes up to unmanageable levels, experts argue that insect farming may be the way out, not veganism. Very interesting to think about.

I agree, rainman. The concerns you bring up should be carefully considered.

The people eat animal based food to fulfill the daily nutrition, they can move to vegan and eat the vegan products. But the people who eat animal based product just because they love it they canā€™t be vegan. Being vegan is a strong decision. Everyone canā€™t take this decision.

Hi Cailean.

Iā€™m Yuwen, a postgraduate from Lancaster University. Currently, Iā€™m doing a academic research on vegetarian and veganā€™s eating practice for my thesis. As Iā€™m using netnography as my research method and I find your opinion toward this question is very interesting. Do you mind me quoting part of your answer in my research? Weā€™ll protect your privacy and guarantee the anonymity.

Best regards,

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Hey guys, I recently came across this crazy cookbook called The Essesntial Keto Cookbook which includes Keto Diet Recipes and some Vegan Recipes as well. I recommend check it out if you want the link, personally message me on this website or comment down below.