Why I'm vegan?

I think so circularmotion… Yes it is, as you read this topic, you prove that the nickname fits in… lol

I first became a vegetarian when I was 15 (I’m 17 now) on March 1st. Primary reasons were I was influenced by PETA’s campaigns (I no longer am a “member” of PETA), my love for animals, health reasons, and disinterest in meat. Before I had even discovered PETA, I was already interested in vegetarianism. I found it hypocritical to be an ‘animal lover’ if farm animals were not included. Then in order to put this vegetarianism into work, I researched why a meat-free diet was beneficial and how animals were treated inside factory farms. That was how I found PETA, so without hesitation I gave up meat.

Then I went toward a vegan diet a few months a later. I thought it was going to be hard, but it turned out there were many products that were dairy-free. (I thank Whole Foods). I was never a fan of milk or cheese because I was slightly lactose intolerant anyway. Also I have hated milk since I was a child, so soy milk was an excellent delicious substitute for me. I do occasionally miss eggs, but eek. Too much cholesterol.

I guess I’ve been a vegan for almost 3 years. I am currently still a vegan because

  1. I despise the treatment of farm animals in factory farms (non-free range/non-organic methods)
  2. Healthy reasons. I can eat A LOT and not worry about my weight.
  3. I feel “cleaner” and physically stronger wooo!!!
  4. No longer interested in meat.
  5. Hate dairy foods.

I’m not against those on an omnivore diet. I believe in hunting for SURVIVAL reasons because it’s natural. We see leopards (predators) VS deer (prey). However, I’m against hunting as a sport. What-a-waste-of-life. Life is not easy to give birth too. It even hurts for a pregnant deer like how pregnant humans give birth. Those prey should be saved FOR the “real predators” that are starving drastically. I mean seriously. Humans are not going to be endangered anytime. Anyway, I also believe if you can’t watch the animal die, you don’t deserve to eat meat. That’s the end of my little philosophy.

By the way, I just watched that video. Totally love it and agree with it! :smiley:

I’m vegan b/c i choose not to kill or cause needless suffering to animals.

Superior mental and physical health, long life, and a fantastic moodlift from ending the suffering of other beings are all reasons i’m a vegan. :cheers:

Cool man i myself train Kung-Fu and Tai Chi and it is actually my Teacher who introduced me to becoming a vegetarian and eventually a vegan! Luckily i was 18 at the time and didn’t have to fight anyone haha my parents were very accepting so was my family, i think it’s b/c they were happy to see me living healthy after my deliquent youth where i studied a whole alphabet of drugs.

happy :cheers:

I just can’t remember how it happen, or what exactly the details. As I remembered I just tend loving foods of vegans…

Thins is very interesting, I love reading your stories.

Nice video… I really like this video…

Becoming vegan kind of just landed in my lap. I had no intentions of becoming vegan. I became vegan in February of 2012, and prior to that I was a pescatarian. This was a progression for me through the years as I started to cut meat out of my diet in stages. I first started by removing pig from my diet, then beef, and then poultry. I always ate fish, but not shellfish. In February I was sent a video about an herbalist, Dr. Sebi, who claimed to cure diseases through a plant based diet. I started to research his methodology and it made sense to me. He has been practicing since the early 90’s and his methodology is to alkalize the body through a plant based diet and to remove harmful mucus from the body. He uses these methods along with using alkalizing herbs to clean the body’s organs on the intra and inter-cellular level. I started to apply this methodology to my life and the results have be inspiring! My energy level and endurance are incredible now! I am in web by trade and my experiences led me to share my experiences via a persona blog/website. I am also a researcher by nature, so I research the natural herbs and foods I eat, and I share that knowledge.

I’m going to teach you how to make vegan macaroni. So here we go we’re starting with just boiling some water because we’re making pasta and I find if I start my sauce the same time as I start my pasta that it’s usually done at the same time. So, I’m going to put my two cups of almond milk it’s one cup of nutritional yeast and vegan mayonnaise, this is Vegannaise, vegan mayonnaise, and vegan mayonnaise is made from grape seed oil and some other emulsified oils, this is a Scot-free product and it is delicious.

I was mainly concerned about my health…and animals’, and everything else in the equation. 8)

The way factory farm animals are treated upsets me more than anything else.

I can’t justify a life dedicated to helping animals (in whatever sense that may be) while eating animal products.

You will know more by study this Vgetarian Thanksgiving why you are vegan.

I became a vegan because i’m not a selfish prick. To use animals for your own gain, whether it is for taste, fashion, entertainment, or profit, is extremely selfish because they are not ours to use.

I love vegan because when I was a child my mother told me that it makes me beautiful and smart. therefore until now I love vegan foods because it’s not about beauty and brains it is also a makes us healthy.