We Are Not A Vegetarian Species

Even if they do hold this opinion, it is their responsibility to keep their opinions to themselves. :slight_smile: Each person has their own opinion, and while personally we may feel one way or another, and that it is important to educate and share with people who are willing to learn, it isn’t the greatest to force one opinion on someone else or to make them feel bad about it.

I think the only way someone could every avoid factory farmed foods, however, is by being vegan, or by owning your own farm and never buying any pre-packed products [you know the sort found in the middle of the grocery store aisles.]


It’s because of brash violent statements like this one, that people will not listen to what we as Vegans and Vegetarians have to say about the state of our food system.

Being kind and open to teaching [as opposed to throat slitting] is the way to open peoples eyes as to what is really going on.

So thank you, for furthering this reputation of ignorance.


That’s not true at all. Some are listening. I was not always vegan, so clearly I listened.

You have to have respect for people to have them have respect for you. Intolerance doesn’t go far. Because I don’t have religious views, or because I enjoy a lot of the principles of Buddhism, should I slit the throats of everyone else? No. You talk about meat-eaters like they are a different species. They are probably your co-workers, your doctors, your service works and your family. I fail to see how I am passive.


It is frustrating when other people don’t see what we see so clearly. :slight_smile: A lot of people prefer immediate personal gratification [i.e.: going out and eating that smoothie with their friends, NOW] as opposed to the long-term gratification of knowing they’re making the right choice.

You may give and take respect as you please, but don’t be surprised then when your words to not influence any one to make the vegan switch. People don’t like being told that they are ‘wrong’ about something, and usually it just makes them work even harder against you.

Man i hate trolls! never have i been a member in a forum that attracts so many damn trolls. NO doubt it’s b/c these people have no life lol and have to come pick on us noble vegetarians and vegans. So much negativity in people’s hearts nowadays, where’s the love gone? lol i’m no hippy but i don’t think there use to be this many dicks in the world. (i’m aware this troll started the thread 7 years ago) :brilsmurf:

have you contacted the ballerina goddess since going vegan? :blush:


I… didn’t say anything at all about what I thought about you, at the very least not in that post. :confused:
I agree with most of what you’re saying just not the manner in which you are saying it. :slight_smile:
I also have a ton of respect for the animals that are slaughtered to please desire-driven animal product based diets where people do not think beyond their initial wants to the consequences of their actions. :frowning: