Sweetened Condensed Soy Milk (Version 1)


      o 1 cup light unbleached sugar or white beet sugar
      o 2/3 cup boiling water
      o 6 T bulk soymilk powder
      o 5 T isolated soy protein powder
      o 1 T melted good-tasting nondairy margarine (Earth Balance) 

Equal to a 14 oz / 400 g can of sweetened condensed milk (1 and 2/3 cups).

This is from the book “Soyfoods Cooking for a Positive Menopause” by Bryanna Clark Grogan.

It’s fast to make and keeps in the refrigerator for several weeks.

Combine all ingredients in a blender until the sugar is dissolved and the mixture is thick. Pour into a clean jar, cover and refrigerate. It thickens when chilled.