My Power Thought Quotes

Size truly has no meaning, for even the mole can go through the mountain


The true mark of a sage, is knowing when to act and when to still your tongue


Garrulous, prolix, voluble, loquacious, copious. The one who does not know when to stop these acts is unwise and quick to jump into danger


If you trouble yourself to much you will only find more trouble


Do not dwell to much on the future nor the past, for the present is all that we truly have


One who cannot accomplish a task, has only hindered himself


The rabbit who follows the fox is asking for trouble


When you are lost inside yourself, that is when you are most vulnerable


Clear your mind of malice, chaos, peace, love, good, and evil. Only then will you see your true enemies


One who makes an enemy out of himself, will be the quickest to fall



:laughing: Who is Kaizar(ID)? I’ve seen him (her?) quoted on other sites too! :astonished: Certainly has a lot to say… :smiley:

And what is a power thoughts quote? I googled it, and got some websites saying stuff like thoughts having power… :frowning: I don’t think I know any that aren’t very political or offensive :smiley:

I weas getting tired of running into post on one page that were 30 ft long! After all they rate by number of posts( 15) not LENGTH. Makes Page shorter, less boring.

That was probably me :unamused: point taken! :laughing:

But who is Kaizar(ID)? I wanna know! :blob:

“An intelligent man solves a problem. A wise man would have avoided it.” – Might be Einstein.

"Anybody know the quote from the 'Lazarus Long book by I think Heinlein… it’s something about how,

… A human being should be able to write a novel, program a computer, conn a ship, plan an invasion, grow crops, etc etc etc. Specialization is for insects."

… I have to look that one up, it’s a good one.

I wake to a mind I thought Id left,

The hell of myself, my world.

The soft nirvana of my dreams,

wrenched from my grasp.

  • My agony

Ive known loneliness.

Ive known anger and hate.

Ive known despair, pain and rejection.

Ironically the only thing these have taught me is joy.

  • My life so far in a nutshell

Both by me

fighting demons of the mind and memory are hard to win against- Nick ( DeepThought )

In the darkness is the light where there is light there is hope - andnbsp;Nick ( DeepThought )

'Leave your mother in the cupboard. - Tim Freedman

I’m an inside-outed pillow.- Tim Freedman

I like Tim Freedman. (Lead singer of The Whilams)

Before you critisize a man walk a mile in his shoes…

… Then you’ll be a mile away and have his shoes.

  • don’t know who said this

I just thought of another one.

‘Even a fool knows not to aim for the moon, but it doesn’t stop a wise man from trying’ - dont know you said this one either

'Dream like you’ll live forever

Live like you’ll die tommorrow’

‘Aim for the moon, if you miss you’ll land among the stars’

‘If your life is without failure you don’t take enough risks’

'When we fight we first use bullets;

when the bullets are gone, we use bayonets;

when the bayonets are dull, we use the rifle barrel;

when this is broken, we use our fists;

when our fists are broken, we bite’

‘Nothing under heaven is softer and more yielding then water; but when it attacks things hard and resistant there is not one of them that can prevail. For the can find no way of altering it. That the yielding conquers the resistant and the soft the hard is a fact known by all men, yet utilized by none’

Never Give up Never Surrender - Galaxy Quest

One person conditioned to rule and control

The media sells it and you live the role - Ozzy Osbourne ( Crazy Train )

Only when you are dead is hope gone if you live and all seems hopeless it isnt keep hoping that someone or thing will save you - Nick ( me )

If it smells like poo, and it tastes like poo, and if feels like poo, then it is school meatloaf


I do like the quote in my sig check it out below

Libraries gave us power
Then work came and made us free
[Manic Street Preachers, taken from the entrances to Blackwood Library and Auschwitz respectively]

I am stronger than Mensa, Miller and Mailer.
[Manics again]