Insomnia Information

Techniques you’ve probably already tried but are still worth trying again.

* See a Doctor
* Take a Warm Bath
* Get a Massage
* Listen to Music
* Drink Warm Milk
* Drink Herb Tea
* Eat a Bedtime Snack
* Avoid Caffeine, Alcohol and Tobacco
* Sleep in a Well-Ventilated Room
* Sleep on a Good Firm Bed
* Sleep on Your Back
* Get Some Physical Exercise During the Day
* Keep Regular Bedtime Hours
* If You Can't Sleep, Get Up
* Don't Sleep In
* Get Up Earlier in the Morning
* Keep Your Bed a Place for Sleep
* Avoid Naps
* Avoid Illuminated Bedroom Clocks 

Of course there’s the standard technique that everyone knows (although it never worked for us)

* Counting Sheep 

And some techniques you probably haven’t seen before

* Sleep With Your Head Facing North
* Don't Watch TV or Read Before Going to Bed
* Toe Wiggling
* Stomach Rub
* Progressive Relaxation
* Deep Breathing
* Visualize Something Peaceful
* Visualize Something Boring
* Imagine It's Time to Get Up
* Quiet Ears 
* Medication like Imovane

What are the different types of insomnia and what causes them?

Insomnia can be:

* Transient (short term) insomnia lasts from a single night to a few weeks.
* Intermittent (on and off) insomnia is short term, which happens from time to time.
* Chronic (on-going) insomnia occurs at least 3 nights a week over a month or more. 

Chronic insomnia is either primary or secondary:

* Primary insomnia is not related to any other health problem.
* Secondary insomnia can be caused by a medical condition (such as cancer, asthma, or arthritis), drugs, stress or a mental health problem (such as depression), or a poor sleep environment (such as too much light or noise, or a bed partner who snores).