Do vegans really need B12 supplements?

Vitamin B12 is required by the body to maintain healthy nerve cells and red blood cells, so it is very necessary for good health. This vitamin increases body immune power and nervous system function. It is help to maintain healthy skin and muscle tone.

All those sheep, zebra, wildebeests, horses, goats are getting plenty of B12 as a result of eating plants from the wild. They do ofcourse ingest a few insects and other animal stuff by accident/default and it all adds to their B12 intake. Most vegans in cities especially get mass grown washed fruit and vegetables a lot of the time and will require B12 supplements as a result.

as a precaution i began taking sublingual B12 every other day from the first day i decided to go vegan… i just makes sense to me…

Kensho :flower:

Vitamin B12 deficiency can cause anemia and nervous system damage.

The only reliable vegan sources of B12 are foods fortified with B12 (including some soy products and some breakfast cereals).
Vegans should eat B12 fortified foods two or three times a day for receiving at least 3 micrograms B12 per day.

B12 doesn’t occur naturally in meat. The animals get their B12 from unwashed vegetables and such from the soil (washing them washes off the B12), and omnivorous individual may eat that animal, and thus obtain B12.

B12 is microbiotic and is sound in the soil. Not associated from meat. Meat is ONE WAY to get B12, but is not necessarily the best way, and is most definately not the only way.

Recently, a lot of people are switching to a veg diet program.
And I asked myself the issue: “Could it be safe?”
People naturally, omnivorous. Whether correctly to minimize their food only fruits and vegetables?
Consuming fashion, I also tried veg diet. After six months, I noticed that I am began to feel much better.
The body appeared ease. Unwanted weight began to reduce. I think the health benefits of a vegetarian diet is certainly.

Prompt please, can anybody was non-meat eaters? You didn’t have any kind of health problems?

There aren’t really any reliable sources of B12 in plants, especially the way we grow them. Honestly you should take a b12 supplement. Don’t worry about it “not being natural” or something like that

I failed at veganism ten years ago when I fell pregnant after being a vegetarian then vegan for a decade because of a deficiency in B12. I developed anemia and panicked because of the responsibility to my unborn child. Had I continued using miso however and taking B12 supplements I would have saved tens of thousands of lives & have vegan children. Regrettably I bred meat eaters which is entirely my fault. Although their father did not follow a vegan diet making it seem excusable at the time. This vitamin changed so much in my life and the lives of my children. I am now vegan again and feel so much healthier and happier trying to introduce vegan alternatives into my children’s diet. As a mother on an overpopulated planted I believe the only way we can survive as a species is to go vegan. For me to have raised non vegan children was irresponsible and a form of child abuse. To all you pregnant vegan women out there don’t let pressure of any kind get to you, your vegan children are the future in every sense of the word! :flower:

My wife, who is vegan like me, takes vitamin supplements to stave off B12 deficiency, but I prefer to mix nutritional yeast with my food (especially peas) from time to time. Other times, I mix in Brewer’s yeast with my food. Both kinds of yeast should be available at a natural food store near you. Neither my wife nor I have ever been vitamin B12 deficient.

Info re: vitamin B12

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