Angel's of the sea?

Hi guys I am new here, so a big hello to you all, I am trying to raise
awareness for our beloved friends the whales and the dolphins,
unfortunately not everyone respects them as friends.

To prove to you that they are “OUR FRIENDS” take a look at this story, if
it grabs you, then please visit the links to learn more about how you can
make a difference.

All the best and thanks for your support.

See below:

Tuesday, 23November, 2004, 08.03GMT Whangarei, New Zealand.

A pod of dolphins is being praised for providing a protective barrier
around a group of swimmers who were being threatened by a great white shark
off the north-eastern coast of New Zealand.

Rob Howes and three other lifeguards were on a training swim about 100
yards off shore at Ocean Beach near here when the dolphins raced in and
herded the group together.

“They started to herd us up, they pushed all four of us together by doing
tight circles around us”, Howe said.

He said he spotted a 10-foot-long shark cruising toward the swimmers. They
were surrounded by the dolphins for 40 minutes before they were able to
make it back to shore.

Nice one flipper!

Please return the favour, click on these links and say thank you:

P.s Please do not jump on the “Kill All Sharks Bandwagon”, Sharks are swell
creatures also, and remember they are endangered.

Kind regards


Talking about our friends from the sea, I would like to mention that a major sea accident occurred in the Philippines in a place called the Guimaras Strait. A tanker carrying bunker oil sunk and seeped oil into the nearby waters and islands. the Philippines as an underdeveloped country had very few resources to combat this major oil spill. The strait is particularly famous for it’s marine reserves and is home to a variety of aquatic flora and fauna, most importantly the Manattee or Dugong. Dozens of aid from foreign countries have poured in to stop this catastrophe from getting out of hand. Japan and Norway have already sent specialized vehicles to locate and recover the sunken tanker before it spews out more than 12 million liters of oil.